Thursday, January 26, 2012



So it’s no longer our Paris Adventure and there is still very much a strong element of randomness to our lives.....


Am thinking it might be a good idea to change the blog title to: Ghana is 60 Seconds or maybe Here One Day Ghana the Next (sorry, that was really lame).  


 A few weeks ago we found out that Francois would be going to Kenya for a two-week period to be part of a training program.  Of course the plans included me going too.  Lots of exciting thoughts running through my head, including the possibility of arranging a safari while in the country.  Being the person I am (another event to plan – woo hoo!) I was mentally packed within the week.  

As of a few days ago there were only a few details to take care of: immunizations and dental appointments completed, need a Tilley hat for Francois to protect his coco;  we were still waiting for the final details so the flights could be booked and the travel visas procured.  

I have been gathering bits and pieces of information about various safari companies and was in the process of contacting our hotel in Nairobi to inquire about the best ones with whom to book and what to bring for that part of our trip.   

We have in our possession two key books: Swahili phrase book and Wildlife of East Africa. Am actually re-reading an old Hemingway favourite and Evlin Ames’: ‘A Glimpse of Eden'.   

The Snows of Kilimanjaro  were calling.... but softly.. as I thought we had several weeks for the rest to evolve.


Just found out this week that there would be a MINOR change in mid-month February we would be on our way to Ghana – another request to fill another training position. Month-long journey this time.  Am still not sure the logistics continuing on the Kenya after but in order to not completely spin out of control will have to just let that one slide for now.


This ‘for sure’ trip (I am now realizing) is only for sure when we actually touch down at our final destination.  Typical military protocol and bureaucracy may still get in the way.  Sample (edited and rather pissy) conversation Francois had yesterday with a little underling in Ottawa telling Francois that he would need  his fire extinguisher certification brought up to date before departure.  The response: “Captain, you are not talking to a rookie.  I turn my life upside down so that this position can be filled at the last minute.  So you either make this happen or I will not be going!”  ...and in closing.....”Oh and Sir, you will need to send me 4 passport photos as soon as possible so that we can process your entry visa which takes at least 3-4 weeks”.

Hmm, I say.  Math not this person’s strong suit?...current date 26 January....departure date 13th February...3-4 weeks to process entry visa?


This brings me to another reason to feel the onset of a panic attack.  Although all of Francois’ visa processing, itinerary and flight arrangements will be made for him,once booked I will have to then try to match his flight schedule.  

Which will be...

1.Montreal to Frankfurt (2-day stopover) on  to Accra, Ghana
2. One month later Ghana to Nairobi, Kenya
3. Three weeks later Nairobi to Frankfurt (2-day stopover) on to Montreal

...all to be booked before I can then apply for my entry visa.  

....I can hear it now. But Madame, it will take 3-4 weeks to process your paperwork.   

 I think I will need much more than a prescription for Dukoral to get me through this trip.